Hire full development team

On a single All-Inclusive hour rate

Our All-Inclusive Hour Rate is a one-stop solution to save you time and money. No need to worry about managing additional staff, payments, or idle time – we’ve got you covered.

What is

All-Inclusive hour

ByYuto team augmentation web and mobile development team all inclusive hour chart

The All-Inclusive Hour is a comprehensive service that combines the expertise and effort of a dedicated Project Manager, Project Owner, Tech Leader, Quality Assurance member, and Developer to ensure that your project is completed efficiently and effectively.

With all key team members included in one hourly rate, you can trust that your project will receive the attention and support it needs, without the added stress of managing multiple team members or payments.

Why all inclusive

hour rate?

Because you can focus on your business, while we take care of the technical details, ensuring your project is completed on time and to your satisfaction.

Because this model ensures that you’re only paying for the time and resources spent on your project, eliminating any surprise costs or fees.

Because is transparent, which means you won’t have to worry about any hidden fees or charges.

Because is easy to understand and handle.

Why us?

Because we’re not just a team, we’re a tech-tastic dream team.

Find out why we’re the partner you need to succeed

All-Inclusive hour Vs

hire your own team or other agencies

Don’t waste your resources and money!

When you hire your own team or engage other agencies, you may end up paying for team members who are not utilized fully.

ByYuto team augmentation compound hour model

Optimize your Budget with Byyuto!

At ByYuto, you only pay for the time required, all included in a single hourly rate.

ByYuto team augmentation web and mobile development team all inclusive hour chart

All inclusive

hour rates

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Flexible team size each sprint. You decide the speed with our packages. Upgrade or downgrade 1 sprint before starting a new one.

Team hours


Hr / Per sprint

Sprint of 2 weeks

40 Hours


40 Hours


2 Developers half time or 1 Developer full time

Team hours


Hr / Per sprint

Sprint of 2 weeks

80 Hours


40 Hours


1 developer half time + 1 developer full time

Team hours


Hr / Per sprint

Sprint of 2 weeks

80 Hours


80 Hours


2 Developers full time

Looking for a bigger team?

We can setup something special for you

Need a bigger team? We’ve got more spices to add to the recipe!

How do we know

All-Inclusive hour works?

Our clients have successfully completed projects with 80-hour contracts over a period of 2 years using our All-Inclusive Hour rate.

We have clients who have opted for 160-hour contracts over 1 year and have seen great results with our All-Inclusive Hour rate.

Several startups have turned their ideas into businesses evaluated at over 2 million USD after 1 year of development using our All-Inclusive Hour formula.

Our team has delivered over 20+ successful projects using the All-Inclusive Hour formula.